Steve Silver Dolly 5 Piece Counter Height Dining Table Set - Medium Brown Cherry
If You search Dining Tables then Steve Silver Dolly 5 Piece Counter Height Dining Table Set - Medium Brown Cherry is best choice.
There are a variety of Dining Tables you can find right now and it is an exceptionally complicated task to figure out the best idea along with a bang for your buck. Gather as many facts as possible to ensure a better buying decision, before purchasing the product. Likely, you can actually check out the numerous expert and consumer product reviews over the internet to have a realistic suggestion. Let`s see what these testimonials really need to say about this Steve Silver.
Set includes counter-height table and 4 chairsMade of mango solids and cherry veneersMedium brown cherry finishTable has decorative cut-out design on basePadded chair seats with brown polyester suede upholsteryCut-out seat back design and built-in footrestsSeats 4 or more Elegant and contemporary, the Steve Silver Dolly 5 Piece Counter Height Dining Table Set - Medium Brown Cherry is a beautiful way to upgrade your space
This set includes a tall standing table and four matching chairs
All pieces are made mango solids and cherry veneers in a warm medium brown cherry finish
The table has a squared decorative base and tapered legs
The chairs feature sleek, turned legs, cut-out back design, and padded seats upholstered in brown polyester suede
Dimensions: Table: 48 diam
x 37H in
Stools: 20W x 25D x 43H in
About Steve Silver Since its founding in Forney, Texas, in 1987, the Steve Silver Company has had a simple focus: to provide the best quality product at an irresistible price, back it up with uncompromising service, and continue to improve every day
As one of the premier suppliers of dining sets and occasional furniture in the country, Steve Silver is proud to make you, the customer, its top priority, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, proven operating procedures, and over 500,000 square feet of facilities
You'll feel equally proud displaying furniture from the Steve Silver Company in your home.
Though there are many other models you can buy, brand are definitely the leaders in the section industry. Obtaining sometimes of these products is certainly, truly worth your money spent.Find out more about the product, how to choose, and accurately different types at link below.
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