Modus Yosemite 6 Piece Rectangular Dining Table Set with Upholstered Chairs and Settee
If You search Dining Tables then Modus Yosemite 6 Piece Rectangular Dining Table Set with Upholstered Chairs and Settee is best choice.
There are a selection of Dining Tables sold in the market right now and it is an extremely complex job to ascertain the best idea and also a bang for your buck. Gather as many facts as possible to ensure a better buying decision, before purchasing the product. Perhaps, you may glance at the several professional and user product reviews online to get a reasonable idea. Let`s see what these reviews really need to say with that Modus Furniture International.
Set includes table, 20-in
extension leaf, 4 chairs, 1 setteeSolid pine wood constructionBlack finish enhances natural imperfections in woodTable includes one 20-in
leaf to seat 8 or moreChairs and settee are padded and upholstered in tan fabricWood legs, 2-way stretchers, and nailhead trim The Modus Yosemite 6 Piece Rectangular Dining Table Set with Upholstered Chairs and Settee is a blend of country charm and bold, contemporary style
This set includes four chairs, a settee that seats two, and a spacious table with leaf
Planks of solid pine create the dramatic top of this table
It's finished in rustic black to showcase the natural imperfections in the wood
A 20-inch leaf lets the table accommodate eight or more
The four matching dining chairs and settee feature solid wood legs, padded seats and backs, and tan linen polyester
Individual nail head trim rounds out the look nicely
DimensionsTable: 76-96L x 40W x 30H in
Chairs: 20W x 24D x 37H in
Settee: 49W x 23D x 37H in
About Modus In business since 1994, Modus Furniture International is a leading manufacturer and distributor of contemporary and transitional bedroom, dining room, and home entertainment furniture
Their products are designed for today's lifestyle and engineered to offer top quality and exceptional value
Based in Los Angeles, Modus Furniture is sold in all 50 states and throughout North America by retailers who recognize Modus' commitment to value, quality, and service.
While there are lots of other designs you can buy, brand include the leaders within the section industry. Choosing perhaps of these kinds of types is without a doubt, value your money expended.Find out more on the product, how to choose, and accurately different types at link below.
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